When considering the design of newborn clothing to be sold during the Christmas season, the savvy seamstress will take into account the nearly unlimited power of the "Oh, that's sooooo cute!" reflex common in the pregnant woman and the husband she has dragged into the store with her after he has been exposed to far too many hours of Oprah and Martha Stewart. Snowsuits, onesies, and socks with seasonal appeal such as embroidered Santas and reindeer, embroidered "Elf in training" or "Santa's little helper" simply cannot be resisted by the nesting mother.
Okay, so while Kristin saw it first, I admit to saying, "Well, we don't really have an outfit for the baby to come home in yet." Hey, if the due date is right, what else would you expect? If we hadn't seen this Santa suit, then you would have seen pictures of the baby coming home in a Christmas stocking for sure.
Honestly, it's been cold here, and the fleece is as soft as--you know I'm going to say it--a baby's bottom. Besides, realizing the possibility of a delivery after Christmas is a distinct possibility, we put back the "Elf in training" onesie.
1 comment:
Yes, I am willing to subject myself to ridicule by admitting that as a 12/19 baby, I was taken home in a santa onesie inside a Christmas stocking.
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