We had a little preview of coming attractions last night: BIG Braxton-Hicks contraction. Kristin needed to take a warm shower to get comfortable. That was the motivation she needed to kick into high gear and finish straightening up the nursery, packing her bag for the hospital, taking stock of the diaper inventory, counting the onesies, folding the blankets, and eating more ice cream (well, I did enable that last one--Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chunk).
By the way, we cannot endorse the B&J Mint Chocolate Chunk ice cream. Ardent fans of the organic B&J vanilla (YES, it DOES taste different than the regular vanilla), we stared in disbelief at the lone container of Mint Chocolate Chunk in the freezer at Stop & Shop (at 10:55 p. freakin' m. Do you think I'm kidding? Look at the time I posted this!). Could it be that B&J FINALLY made their version of mint chocolate chip?? Skeptical, we tossed it into the basket with a pint of vanilla as Plan B. Did the sandpaper aftertaste really color our opinions, or did it have something to do with the fact that we nearly polished off the pint while watching the exciting PowerPoint scroll on the town's TV public access page? Hey, we're preparing ourselves for the thrilling social life we're in for.
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